Web Design Hits and Crashes This Year

Recently, the web designing world has started reinstating the concepts of Parallax Scrolling and similar designs, to enhance the layout of your website. This innovative blending of both old and new design concepts may be applicable to your business development needs.

This year there were major advancements in this field; let’s cast a look at which of these were effective one and the ones that crashed:

Responsive Design

This certainly found usability and appreciation, especially in the e-commerce web design techniques. With the world staying on its toes all the time, switching to your mobile device is considered an intelligent move. And a trader, who has not made himself instantly available on these platforms, is also losing the opportunities to generate more leads.

Picture Backgrounds

Picture backgrounds can be a popular choice, and so long as Flash isn’t involved, they can work very effectively for engaging with an audience.

High-quality pictures are pleasing to the eye, but the time they take to download and open can test the patience for the viewer.

QR Codes

Almost every website development firm will recommend this to you. Indeed it has proven to be an effective way to increase online visibility for your business; however this might not equate to more sales.

Social Media Tags

Present your social media icon on your website to get more followers and to boost your social media strategy.

Unlimited Scrolling

This unconventional model has received mixed praise; because it is applicable only to some specific types of online businesses; hence it’s not so welcome. Many more people nowadays are comfortable mobile website designs. They find the vertical scrolling option helpful, in comparison to the customary concept of separate web pages on PC-based devices.

Instead of looking for a complicated layout, one should look at affordable website designs with Total Web Design, that are user-friendly and generate  traffic, leading to increased online sales.