Presentation design is a dime a dozen in the age where everyone is a digital designer. And yet it’s very challenging to find high quality presentation design that reaches a target audience and allows you to achieve your goals.
The sad fact is that despite the proliferation of design templates for presentations, many designs can be a let down. These presentation designs can be inconsistent in terms of the branding, colours and copy is all over the place and is not aligned with your overall core values and insights.
Presentation designs need to have the right mix of raw materials in the recipe for them to work. They should be:
A mountain of scientific research tells us that visual communication is key to augment a spoken word presentation. Total Web Design can assist to ensure that your visual story fits like a glove to the story of your presentation. With thorough planning, a presentation design can come alive in our hands.
A great presentation design will be interactive, engaging and thrilling rather than static, text-filled and dull.
Total Web Design are well-versed in presentation design conventions. So we also know when to break these conventions. We are the design rebels and innovators that you want on your team. We know the ins and outs of using intriguing video animations, digital artwork and high-end infographics to engage the audience in novel ways.